This page will display individual works mostly mixed-media. Many of these works are part of an ongoing exploration on Tom’s back yard which he calls Don’t fence me in.
At this same time period Tom has been exploring wars and how they have been impacting him.
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Title: In This Neck of the Woods #3 Year: 2016 Size: 10" x 4"x 4" maple with mirror
This is an ongoing series presently at seven
Title: Paths Too #2 Year: 2017 Size: h 4"x 6"x6"
Title: Red Wheelbarrow Year: 2013 Size: 15" X 20" Wood, ply and paint
Inspired by WCW poem, see print of same title in My Buddies page
Title: Hidden #1 and #2 Year: 2013 Size: 14" X 22" Plywood
These works are the exploration of
similar topics that have come forth
in Tom’s prints, see inner Garden
title hidden.
Title: A.War Year: 2012 Size: 24" X 26" Newsprint, mat board, Plywood
This work is a continuation of Tom
expressing the impact of our present
Title: Dogwood Kale Year: 2012 Size: 20" X 27" Plywood and paint
This work came from the back yard
spring blossoming.
Title: American Civil War Year: 2011 Size: 15" x 29"
This work is envisioned to be part of a
series called:
…a new birth of freedom…
Taken from the last lines of the Gettysburg address
Title: Scap #3 Year: 2009 Size: 14 x 13
(front and back)
This is a series within Don’t Fence Me In
Title: Heavenly Scat #19 Year: 2007 Size: 26 x 28
One of the scats in Don’t Fence Me In
Title: The Iraq War Memorial Year: 2005 Size: 44 x 112
Mixed Media; wood, plywood
Title: The Iraq War Year: 2005/06/07/08/09/10/11/12/13/14 Size: 38 x 38
This is very sad to say an on going work, hopefully to end soon.